Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Red Pill and The Blue Pill (Link Magazine Article/Issue #3)

       It has been a month already! I hope that everyone has enjoyed Black History Month. Apparently, I have been watching too many science fiction movies throughout February and came across The Matrix. While I was watching the movie, I noticed something: it covers the topic, The Red Pill and the Blue Pill. I thought it was rather odd that these things would be discussed in movies. As I continued to watch, I noticed that this movie dove into what each pill represents and from there I began to think, “Hmm, what’s up with these two?” As I began my research, I discovered that professors all over the world have discussed these two ideals. There have even been books on them. My question to the readers: Have you heard of The Red and Blue Pills, and do know what they represent? Well, have no fear; Mr. Taylor is here to help you with the answers.

        Often described in the media, these two icons have been featured in movies such as Total Recall and The Matrix. But, what do they represent? The Matrix gives an indication as to what they mean:  The red pill represents the truth or chance, while the blue pill represents the blissful ignorance that some human beings enjoy indulging in. Simply put, the world is a dangerous place, but how dangerous is determined by the individual. We have been given the opportunity to understand the world around us. When it comes to what we “believe,” that is another story. In our households, we are raised to believe certain things as truth. Consider Thanksgiving Day. Some individuals do not know that on that day the Pilgrims slaughtered Native Americans. This is the reality of Thanksgiving.

         The Matrix gives an example as to what these pills represent and illustrates them throughout the entire series. Neo (Mr. Reeves) starts and continues to ask questions throughout the entire movie. Our lives are plagued by questions, which we try to answer during our lifetime. Who, what, where, when, why, and how are examples of these questions. I have found myself asking, “why am here? What is my purpose in life?” By “seeing how far the rabbit hole goes,” we push ourselves against the norms of society and find another way. People who are looked at as different or innovative are the consumers of The Red Pill. They want to see what is going to happen if they decide on this path or test the waters. Scientists do it all the time. People who decide to consume the red pill create all of the businesses, gadgets, and books around us.

        Now I am not here to say that The Red Pill is always good. We have our moments where we want or need to be ignorant to the things that go on around us. Realizing just how messed up something is may be tough to deal with. If Americans had the chance to know the foundation of their country and what it was built on, do you think they would care or want to know? That is for you to answer yourself. Wishing to know and wishing not to know represents The Red and Blue Pill. Even within all this symbolism, we are here to make decisions. There is a part in the first Matrix movie where the traitor, Cypher, states, “if I knew what the situation was I would have told Morpheus to shove that pill up his ass”. That sentence is a little extreme to say the least, but nonetheless reasonable. The man wanted to live a comfortable life without stress.

        The outcome is based on the input, but even along those lines, life has a way of placing us where we need to be. Blissful ignorance is not a delicacy that needs to be consumed on a daily basis. Keeping it real with yourself allows you to understand what is going on in the world as well as within you. Why sugar coat the truth? Some people just do not have the capacity to deal with everything at 100 percent, which is understandable. Nonetheless, ignorance makes people happy. Who are we to say who should not be ignorant? Times are hard, and yes, many people just want to have fun. People all over the world take chances and have times when they are ignorant. However, my question to you is; Are there any questions or concerns that you have about the world, and have you gone about getting those answers? That is for you to decide, readers.

       Mr. Bryan Taylor is a red pill. I have gone out on faith and it has taken me a long way. I have had the chance to write, and allow others to read what I have to say. My articles are based on research and from there I shape my opinions. I want my readers to not only challenge themselves, but challenge me as well. I am not a know-it-all, and I am learning about the world around me right along with you. Until the next issue, please take something back with you. I want to know what my readers have to say. If there are any questions, comments, ideas, or anything please feel free to contact me on FB: B Ra Carter, email: or twitter @B_Ra215.

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